Defense Strategies for Commercial DUI Charges in Arizona

Feature Article: Exploring the Defense Strategies for Commercial DUI Charges


Picture this: You're a commercial driver who, after having a few drinks with your colleagues, decides to hit the road. You believe that you're in control of your vehicle, but unfortunately, the police pull you over, and your breathalyzer test comes back positive. This situation is not only embarrassing, but it could also risk your job and future career prospects. That's right; commercial DUI charges are no joke. However, with adequate legal representation and resources, you can come out on top. In this feature article, we will explore the defense strategies for commercial DUI charges and how to protect yourself from potential consequences.

Breathalyzer Tests: Challenging The Results

Breathalyzer tests are often the deciding factor in DUI cases. The legal BAC limit for commercial drivers in Arizona is only 0.04% - half the limit for non-commercial drivers. However, breathalyzer tests are not completely reliable and can produce false-positive results. These machines can produce inflated BAC levels due to certain medical conditions, the presence of mouthwash, or other factors. Therefore, the results of a breathalyzer test should not be taken as official proof of intoxication. By challenging the accuracy of the breathalyzer test, a skilled DUI attorney can potentially get your case dismissed, depending on the circumstances.

Medical Conditions: Exploring Alternative Explanations

Suppose you have a medical condition, such as GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease) or diabetes, that can cause false-positive breathalyzer results. In that case, your attorney can use this as a defense strategy. GERD is a condition that affects the digestive system and can cause acid reflux. When this acid refluxes back into the mouth, it can cause a false-positive reading on a breathalyzer test. Similarly, diabetes can cause a buildup of acetone in the body, which can produce a false-positive breathalyzer result. By highlighting these alternative explanations, your attorney can help dismiss the charges.

Procedural Errors: Identifying and Challenging

The legal system is not perfect, and law enforcement officials can make mistakes during DUI stops. For instance, a police officer is required to follow specific procedures when performing a breathalyzer test. If they fail to do so, it can call into question the accuracy of the results. Similarly, the police must have probable cause to stop a commercial driver. If they don't have probable cause, any evidence gathered after the stop can be excluded from evidence. If these procedural errors can be identified and challenged in court, it can help you win your case.

Field Sobriety Tests: Questioning Their Validity

Field sobriety tests are often used in conjunction with breathalyzer tests as evidence of impairment. However, these tests are subjective and open to interpretation. Even sober individuals can fail a field sobriety test due to nerves, poor balance, or other factors. By questioning the validity of these tests and highlighting their inherent biases, a skilled DUI attorney can help challenge the results and potentially get your charges dismissed.

Plea Bargaining: Reducing Charges and Penalties

In some cases, it may be possible to negotiate with the prosecutor to reduce the charges and penalties. This can be done through plea bargaining, where the defendant agrees to plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for a reduced sentence. A skilled DUI attorney can help you navigate the plea bargaining process and ensure that you receive the best possible outcome.

Ignition Interlock Devices: Installation and Compliance

If you're found guilty of a DUI, you may be required to install an ignition interlock device. This device is essentially a breathalyzer that's installed in your vehicle. Before you can start the car, you'll have to blow into the device, and it will measure your BAC levels. If your BAC is over the legal limit, the car won't start. Compliance is essential when it comes to ignition interlock devices. Failing to comply with the court's orders can lead to further penalties and even jail time.


Commercial DUI charges are nothing to be taken lightly. The consequences can be severe, including the loss of your job, your license, and even your freedom. That's why it's essential to understand the defense strategies available to you. By challenging the results of breathalyzer tests, highlighting alternative explanations, and questioning the validity of field sobriety tests, you can protect your rights and beat the charges. Additionally, you must comply with court orders, including installing an ignition interlock device if required. Remember, a skilled DUI attorney can help you navigate the legal process and ensure that your rights are protected. Defense Strategies For Commercial DUI Charges-Commercial,Defense
